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Taking a look back at another week of news from Cupertino, this week’s Apple Loop includes new technology for the iPhone 8 batteries, why the Mac Book Pro is already out of date, theatre mode in iOS 10.3, Apple Watch 3 details, the latest App Store numbers, Apple’s problems with the basics, and using the original iPhone in 2017.

There’s always a better machine on sale next month, but with Intel making its expected announcement of the seventh-generation Core processors at this week’s CES, Apple’s new Mac Book Pro family – powered by the sixth generation 070-414 vce chip set – feels out of date already. It’s getting harder to justify that ‘Pro’ designation, even if financially it was the right call for Apple.


Lurking inside the latest beta of iOS 10.3 is a new mode for your iPhone and iPad… theatre mode. For those moments when you absolutely, positively, have to look at your phone when sitting in your 070-414 local cinema, this mode will dim the screen and quieten your audio output.

After facing plenty of criticism for failing to release big-screen iPhones, Apple in 2014 finally released two new models that featured displays that were bigger than anything seen on an iPhone before. The iPhone 6 release turned 070-414 pdf out to be a supercycle for Apple, convincing many smartphone buyers to get an iPhone and helping Apple break new sales and profit records.

The same phenomenon is expected again this year when the exciting new iPhone 8 is projected to convince more iPhone owners than ever before to get a brand new iPhone. In fact, analysts at Nomura expect a 070-414 new supercycle for Apple this year that’s unlike anything we’ve ever seen.

Those iPhone 6 owners who have not upgraded to any of the recent “boring” updates, including the iPhone 6s and iPhone 7, might be more inclined to jump on the iPhone 8 this fall. Apple is expected to launch three brand new iPhones this year, including a radically redesigned iPhone 8 as well as an iPhone 7s and iPhone 7s Plus.

The iPhone 8 is tipped to have an OLED display, a nearly 070-414 dumps edgeless all-screen design with the home button embedded under the display, and a glass housing that might make wireless charging a possibility.

And now more clues have emerged that Apple is planning to incorporate cutting-edge wireless charging technology into its next smartphone.

Unlike rival devices from Google, Samsung, HTC, and Huawei, which predominantly use the Qi open interface standard to power their inductive charging – the 070-414 technology implemented by Apple sounds like a much better solution.

That’s not confirmation that Energous will be supplying technology to Apple, but given that “as much 070-414 exam as three-quarters of Dialog’s business is with Apple,” it’s a strong indicator.

In a statement, Energous CEO Steve Rizzone confirmed the company would be transferring all its silicon operations to Dialog.


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