Latest IBM C2010-595 Exam Test Practice Questions And Answers – Youtube

Vendor: IBM
Exam Code: C2010-597
Exam Name: IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform V3.2.1 Application Development
Version: Demo

Sat and passed the exam after months of study and C2010-597 several ‘lab installs’ I did find it strange the whole test is pretty much based off of maintaining voice networks rather than installing them. Now when I can be assed to finish my CCNP Route is a different story. But quickly flicking through this dump you could pass the exam with it but there are some new ones in there as well but if you’ve read the material and practiced enough it should be a walk in the park.


A. In the Form Builder
B. In the Data Modeler
C. In the Association Manager
D. In the State Family Manager
Answer: B

An existing portal must be modified so that a new navigation collection will display in the portal. Assuming that a navigation collection of type Quick Links exists and is populated with navigation items, what additional new C2010-597 exam element must be created to display this collection in the existing portal?
A. Portal
B. Portal Section
C. Navigation Item
D. Navigation Collection
Answer: B

Which workflow type gets executed by an association of two objects?
A. synchronous workflow using temporary data
B. synchronous workflow using permanent data
C. asynchronous workflow using temporary data
D. asynchronous workflow using permanent data
Answer: D

A. It is not configured in the Sub Action properties.
B. It is not configured in the Form Section properties.
C. It is not configured in the Business Object properties.
D. It is not configured in the State Transition properties for at least one transition.
Answer: D

Several organization records appear in reports but do not appear in the C2010-597 Organization hierarchy. What should be the first item to validate during the troubleshooting process for the records in question?
A. verify that the records have the required Primary Organization association to the organization’s root node in the hierarchy
B. verify that the records have forward and reverse association strings of Included In and Includes to other records in the hierarchy
C. verify that the records have forward and reverse association strings of Is Parent Of and Is Child Of to other records in the hierarchy
D. verify that the records have forward and reverse association strings of Primary Location and Primary Location Of to other records in the hierarchy
Answer: C

How can a list be sorted to display more frequent values first?
A. In the Data Modeler, set the sequence order in the properties of the List field.
B. Values can only be sorted in ascending and descending order and cannot be ordered individually.
C. In the Form layout, use the Manual Sort option to arrange the entries in the desired order sequence.
D. In the List Manager, use arrows from the Order column to move entries to the desired order
Answer: D

What is the process to hide a C2010-597 vce state transition action from view in a form?
A. Select Secondary Action in the sub actions properties in Form Builder.
B. Deselect Default Display in the state transition properties in Form Builder
C. Select Secondary Action in the state transition properties in Form Builder.
D. Configure Includes/Excludes in the sub actions properties in Form Builder.
Answer: B

Which statement is true when defining an Include association?
A. The association from the child to the parent must be defined with the child in an editable state.
B. The association from the parent to the child must be defined with the parent in an editable state.
C. The association from the parent to the child must be defined with both the parent and the child in an editable state.
D. The association from the child to the parent must be defined with both the parent and the child in an editable state.
Answer: B

In the Data Modeler’s Association List what does a C2010-597 red star next to the association indicate?
A. The association is used in a smart section.
B. The association is a dependent association.
C. The association is referenced by a locator field.
D. The association is referenced by a required field. Answer: B

A navigation collection is a hierarchical structure that contains what?
A. portal sections
B. navigation items
C. only menu items
D. only related navigation items
Answer: B

An extended formula can be C2010-597 dumps created for which two data types? (Choose two.)
A. Text
B. Date
C. Number
D. Boolean
E. Classification
Answer: B,C

The designer is creating a query that will return several thousand records, so he is using the option Prompt Before Query to give the user a chance to reduce the number of records to be returned by the query. When the C2010-597 report is run it does not stop and returns all the records immediately. What is wrong with this query?
A. There are no runtime filters.
B. There are no system filters.
C. The record’s flag Enable Prompt Before Query has not been set in the business objects.
D. The records returned are below a preset threshold used by the platform to enable this function
Answer: A

Click the Exhibit button.
While troubleshooting associations on a World Region record of Europe, the Associations tab shows these conditions while exploring the triCountry associations. What do the C2010-597 pdf results indicate?
A. Europe has duplicate associations to France, Germany, Ireland, and Italy.
B. France, Germany, Ireland, and Italy will not show up properly in the Geography hierarchy.
C. Europe has the association Is Parent Of and the association Is Parent World Region to several countries.
D. Europe has the association Is Parent Of and the reverse association Is Parent World Region to several countries.
Answer: C

The IF/THEN logic of the workflow is failing. Which task should be checked?
A. Iter Task
B. Fork Task
C. Switch Task
D. Create Record Task
Answer: C

Business objects are created using C2010-597 which tool?
A. Form Builder
B. Data Modeler
C. Data Integrator
D. Association Manager
Answer: B

Read more: Prepare for the IBM C2010-595 practice test for IBM certified associate exam, sale latest IBM certified associate C2010-595 practice questions and answers.


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